Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

What a crazy hectic week we've had. Traveling to Logan for a funeral (my step gma), the 4th of July, preparing for and having a garage sale, traveling to visit with my sister and her family in Mapleton and then Jason's birthday. I feel like we've just been running from one thing to the next, but hopefully this week will be a little more relaxed. First off, we had so much fun on the 4th! We walked up to Main Street for the PaRaDe, then we enjoyed all of the fun things to do at the city park. (Ammon and Alyssa were the only ones with us. Ashlyn and McKenna were with their dad for the day.) The kids tried rOcK cLiMiNg, the fIsH pOnD, and then the bEaN bAG tOsS where they won little gOlD fIsH. Later that night we met up with Jason's family and had a cook out at his brother's home. The food was great and it was nice to meet some of Jason's family that I hadn't met before. The kids played in the little pool that his brother had set up and had so much fun splashing each other. (Well, most of them enjoyed that, McKenna didn't like that part so much, as seen in the picture at the bottom.)

Then, as is tRaDiTiOn, we all drove up to Farmington Pond to watch the fIrEwOrKs over Lagoon. It's so pretty to see the reflections in the water. The weather was perfect and it ended up being a really nice day.
Our garage sale was scheduled for Saturday morning, but Friday night as we came home from the fireworks we noticed that all of our garage sale signs had been removed from the posts. There were only 2 out of 12 remaining, so I had to wake up early Saturday morning to go to the store for more posterboard, make new ones, post them and then get everything out of boxes and ready to sell. To make matters worse, McKenna woke me up about an hour before I had planned on getting up because she had thrown up in her bed. :( Ahhhh, the life of a mother....the joy! All in all things ended up working out pretty well and it was a good thing that I was able to wake up a little earlier since some garage sale-a-holics think it's alright to show up over an hour early! We made about $400, then loaded up the rest of the stuff and took it to the DI. It was good to clear out our garage especially since we will be moving soon. I have no idea how we ended up with so much stuff!
Yesterday was Jason's 31st birthday! We went to his office for cAkE & IcE cReAm with his family, then hit McDonald's for dinner (yes....eXtRaVaGaNt, I know.) Then he and I stayed up playing Speed Scrabble. We played it for the first time at my sister's house Sunday and had so much fun that I thought he needed the game for his birthday. (Ok, so it was one of those convenient situations where I was able to get something that I wanted and call it a "birthday present for him.")


Straight to Your Hart said...

WOW..sounds like a full plate of fun!! Happy Birthday Jason. Hope all is well. ttfn..MeL

Meridith said...

What! You came to Logan and didn't visit me ;-)

I looks like you had a fun weekend! Congratulations on the house. It looks very nice!!

Karolynn said...

That sounds like a great 4th. I love traditions, that is so cool you can see the fire works from the pond. I love the kid pool too, it is so cool how something so small can makes so happy. How are you all doing any way?